Safety Protocols


 See our approach to creating and promoting a safe learning environment for our school community.

On-Campus Safety Guidelines

  • On-campus visitors will be limited.
  • Only small groups gatherings will be conducted. 
  • Specific routes for entry and exit will be designated.
  • Sufficient ventilation in all school classrooms and shared workspaces will be ensured.
  • Frequent cleaning and sanitizing of all rooms on campus will be conducted before meetings and after meeting sessions. Example of items to be regularly disinfected include highly touched surfaces such as but not limited to doorknobs, light switches, handles, handrails, toys, bathrooms, desks, tables, chairs, etc. 
  • Sanitation stations will be set up all around campus.
  • Hand sanitizers will be provided in each classroom. 
  • Handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds rubbing thoroughly after application will be frequently encouraged throughout the day, including before and after eating; after coughing or sneezing; after classes where students handle shared items, and before and after using the restroom. 
  • Since class sizes are small, students will be spread out within classrooms as much as possible. 
  • Parents must daily monitor their children’s health/symptoms at home prior to coming to school. If exhibiting any symptoms, please stay home.
  • Staff and students who are sick or who have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 must stay home. 
  • Students or staff exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 at school (fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, cough, difficulty breathing, or other COVID-19 symptoms) will be immediately isolated in a private area until they can leave school or be picked up by a parent or guardian. Ill students and staff will be recommended to be tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. 
  • Temperature screening prior to campus entrance will be conducted.
  • In accordance to California Department of Public Health guidelines, unless a person is exempt per those guidelines, everyone must use face coverings (clothe face or shield) while indoors.
  • Face coverings are optional outdoors for everyone. 
  • Face coverings should be removed for meals, snacks, naptime, or when it needs to be replaced. When a cloth face covering is temporarily removed, it should be placed in a clean, safe area, clearly marked with the student’s name and date, until it needs to be put on again. Masks should completely cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of face without gaps.
  • Students should bring their own face coverings; however, masks will be provided if needed. 
  • Students must bring their own lunch/snacks and water bottles as water fountains will not be available.
  • Students will eat lunch and go to recess in staggered groups
  • Food sharing is prohibited. 
Face Coverings Guidelines

The following CDC flowchart explains when students who have symptoms of COVID-19 can return to school.

CDC Flowchart
  • Remote virtual learning will still be offered as a choice for families that prefer it due to health concerns. 
  • KGS will continue to use Zoom and Google Classroom as their main platforms for synchronous/asynchronous class delivery.
  • Student and parent support for appropriate learning will be offered when needed. 
  • Teachers will be available for “virtual office hours” upon request.
  • School meetings and counseling will be conducted virtually unless otherwise indicated.
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